Scientific background

Controlling with ERP Softwares

The informative and organizational dimensions of the economic growth are one the most doubtful themes of economics. The principles of economic schools and theories were in contradiction while scientists tried to make rules and orders for the function of the organizational management. The idealized, symbiotic relations among the actors at an organization did not came to reality.  

Many times we must see that the information-flow is not in accordance with the managerial decisions, although it can be very disadvantegeous for the economic performance of the organization. A preciously planned administrative and accounting system with a capable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software could give a solution.

For companies have much less influence on the income, the order of cost accountancy must give the answer for the questions of efficiency.The imperfect accounting of the costs, or the unreasonable distribution of indirect costs can lead to false strategic decisions easily. For cost invoices, orders, notes, bills are very numerous and complicated to direct them to divisions or products, usually the better information management software used, the easier to measure the performance of the divisions at a company.

Business Process Management

The development of the informational society, the globalisation creates such demands in economic life for which the decision making mechanisms in a lot of companies are not prepared. The management of companies must keep step with the possibilities and threats appearing in market. The effective economic decision making process needs not only a computer aided information system, but a modern administration system too. 

The old planning and controlling concepts are no longer sufficient to drive companies successfully in a global and competitive environment. The flow of business processes should be continuous, the distinguished activities based on a functional management must be controlled  and be able to be managed by an integrated information system. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV software collects the managerial functions and data into one integrated entrepreneurial resource planning system…  

© Dr. Simon Sándor 2018